Why use our calculators?

The WELLCAST ROI™ calculators justify your investments in preventive care programs which we know are good investments in both your employees´ health and the health of your bottom line!

Calculators help to:

  • Determine the ROI of current and new programs, considering both the economic and medical cost savings, customized to the demographics of each employer.
  • Support the approval of prevention program budgets using a format familiar to financial decision makers.
  • Determine the minimum (breakeven) effectiveness rate of each program, given the cost of the program.
  • Determine the maximum (breakeven) cost of each program, given the actual or estimated effectiveness rate.
  • Establish minimum effectiveness/outcomes rates for external vendors, given their price quotes. Please note that the lowest cost vendor is not necessarily the best choice in purchasing programs, as outcomes should be considered.
  • Conduct “what if” scenarios to determine required minimum employee participation and success rates to justify programs.
  • Convert health care data into information that is needed to make decisions.
  • Support the development of strategic plans for the prevention of physical, behavioral, and occupational health programs.

A complete solution to develop financially sound preventive care strategies that contribute to your employer´s profits.

Included preventive programs

Our Calculator generates the ROI of a variety of corporate prevention programs. Prevention programs can impact a variety of conditions simultaneously. For example, exercise can impact CHD, Diabetes, muscular skeletal conditions, and even behavioral conditions. It is therefore important to calculate the combined ROI of all the conditions impacted.

Who should license the ROI calculator?

Employer Applications
  • Develop projections of the number of employees expected to have physical, behavioral, and occupational health conditions, and their associated costs (both medical/premium and economic), before and after implementation of prevention programs.
  • Calculate the ROI of each prevention program, considering that some programs impact various conditions simultaneously.
  • Calculate the break-even investment, participation, and effectiveness rates of each prevention program.
  • Compare outsourced prevention programs based on their cost/benefit and establish performance goals for vendors.
  • Develop Strategic Plans for the prevention of disease.
Health Plans and Managed Care Applications
  • Reduce demand and costs of medical treatment due to the implementation of disease prevention programs.
  • Determine types of preventive services in the network.
  • Support the calculation of premiums and distribution of preventive services based on the specific demographics (e.g., risk factors, prevalence rates, etc.) of each client.
  • Compare outsourced prevention programs and services.
  • Develop strategic plans for disease prevention for your clients.
As well as the employer applications.
Benefit Consultants, Health Plan Brokers and Wellbeing Program Provider Applications
  • Reduce the demand and costs of medical treatment/premiums from implementation of disease prevention programs.
  • Develop strategic plans for disease prevention for your clients.
  • Compare preventive programs and preventive program providers.
As well as the employer applications.
Pharma, PBM's and Diagnostic Equipment Manufacturers
  • Determine the ROI and the reduced costs associated with the purchase of various brands of medicines, supplies and diagnostic equipment.
  • For sales and product management departments, show the ROI of purchasing your products.
  • For PBM's, determine the effect of participation targets in pharmacological programs to reduce medical treatment costs or the cost/benefit of different medications in the same class.
  • For PBM's, develop and implement comprehensive strategies for medication programs (e.g., blood pressure medication), as compared to non-medication prevention programs (exercise).

Which conditions Are included?

Conditions available
  • AIDS
  • Behavioral Conditions
    • Comon Mental Illness
    • Anxiety
    • Mood
    • Impulse Control
    • Substance Abuse
    • Alcohol
    • Drugs
    • EAP-Related Conditions
  • Cancer
    • Breast
    • Skin
    • Lung
  • CHD
  •  Immunization
    • Influenza
    • Covid
  • Muscular Skeletal
  • Pre-Diabetes
  • Respiratory
    • Asthma
    • COPD
  • Screenings & Diagnostic Equipment
  • Sleep
    • Apnea
    • Insomnia

Note: We add new conditions monthly.

Why choose our calculators?

  • Unbiased Analyses. We are an independent company. We provide unbiased results.
  • Expert Support. We explain how your ROI was derived and training on how to calculate it and even assist in the presentation of results.
  • Customized ROI´s. A program with a specific effectiveness rate and cost can have a different ROI from one employer to another. We do not use “rules of thumb” or “estimates”.
  • Standardized approach to calculating ROI. We use a consistent methodology for calculating the ROI for all programs, across countries.
  • Summary results and graphics. You can insert our tables and graphs into your PowerPoints and other reports, saving time.
  • Place your programs on an equal footing as other corporate investments. Our ROI calculations generate the Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value and Cost Benefit of a program investment. These are terms financial decision makers use for other types of corporate investments.
  • “What if” analyses. Our Calculators allow you to simulate ROI results based on a variety of cost and effectiveness assumptions for your programs.
  • Calculate program impact on various conditions. You can calculate the simultaneous impact of a single program on various physical and behavioural conditions. For example, depending on the activities conducted in a gym, a gym can simultaneously impact CHD, Diabetes, Muscular Skeletal and behavioural conditions.
  • Automatic calculation of breakeven effectiveness rates and price. Purchasers can establish criteria for selecting vendors or for internal investments.
  • Consider the impact of including dependents. Programs applied to dependents generally results in a loss. However, these losses are minor compared to the gains from programs applied to employees. You can offset these losses against the gains.
  • Considers the present value and opportunity cost of money. Our Calculators account for the fact that your employer could have invested its cash in alternative attractive investments and that some programs take time to show cost savings, which are worth less than the same savings generated now.
  • Experience and Specialization. We have been calculating ROIs of prevention programs since 1993. We know what it takes to justify current and new programs.
  • ROI Training and seminars. We offer periodic ROI webinars and, upon demand, we can provide training programs for you and your staff.
  • Excellent Value. Our license prices are quite modest compared to the thousands of dollars typically invested in programs.

Normative Data & Assumptions

Generate ROI´s almost instantaneously by utilizing researched normative data specific to each ROI Calculator. Our Calculators consider all costs associated with physical and behavioral conditions, providing an unsurpassed and accurate ROI of your prevention programs.

The following default normative data are available in all Calculators:
  • Productivity contributions by country, industry, region, and occupation. Please note that salary (which is commonly used in ROI calculations) is a poor substitute for productivity contribution. These productivity data are developed by our team of economists, utilizing the latest econometric tools and country specific economic data bases, and are utilized in the calculation of presenteeism and absenteeism costs for each physical and behavioral condition.
  • Medical and health plan premium inflation rates, which are used to calculate future medical treatment costs.
  • Discount rate, which is used to calculate the opportunity cost of capital invested in the prevention program and the present value of future cost savings.
  • Average relocation and training costs, used to calculate the cost of turnover due to conditions.
  • Prevalence rates of conditions, developed by our team of epidemiologists.
  • Absenteeism and presenteeism rates. These researched data are unique to each type of condition.
  • ROI Calculation algorithms, which are used to calculate the Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, and Cost Benefit of each preventive care program.
The following list includes other assumptions that utilized in the calculations but could vary by employer and condition:
  • Average relocation and training rate. Not all employers relocate and train employees at the same rate.
  • Average disability cost and rate. Disability plans vary by employer.
  • Average accident cost and rate. Several conditions could result in accidents; however, the cost of accidents very greatly by employer and industry.
  • Permanent employee replacement rate. Not all conditions require employers to replace employees.
  • Percent of cases requiring medical attention. Not all conditions require medical treatment.
  • Program effectiveness rates, which are used to calculate cost savings, and which very by program and condition.
Please note that any of the assumptions may be altered by users!