
Common Ground: Machinery Investments and Leadership Programs—It’s All About ROI

I often ponder why HR experts avoid quantifying ROI for leadership programs or workplace care initiatives. Is it a lack of familiarity with financial tools […]

Why financial decision makers are reluctant to approve benefits and HR investment requests?

Based on my 30+ years´ experience of calculating the ROI of prevention programs, I sometimes stop and think that Donaldson Brown, who is largely regarded […]

Discovering Gold through the ROI of Preventive Care Programs: Brazil´s Hidden Treasure Hunt

The age-old wisdom of ‘prevention is better than cure’ has endured for centuries, and for good reason. It’s not only wiser but also lighter on […]

2024 Budget Battles and Employee Wellbeing Programs: Showing the ROI to CFOs

In the complex web of corporate financial choices, CFOs often discover themselves at the crossroad between employee wellbeing and budgetary decisions—a sphere where stakes run […]

What are the ‘Essential Ingredients’ of a Wellness Program ROI Calculation?

Would vendors of prevention programs show ROI results that makes their programs look bad? Separating the Wheat from the Chaff During the past 30 years […]

What do Investments in Machinery and Equipment and Prevention Programs have in Common?

I have often wondered why HR departments and medical professionals shy away from trying to quantify the ROI of investments in prevention programs. Is it […]

What does modern financial portfolio theory have in common with corporate investments in prevention programs?

When I graduated from MIT with a MS degree in Finance many years ago, I could never envision that I would be writing a blog […]

Vaccination Programs: ROI Considerations in the Corporate Employer Market

While calculating the ROI of vaccination programs, I have to consider whether they have short (tactical) or long-term (strategic) impact on reducing employer costs and […]

The Need for Strategic Planning for Prevention Programs

In the past 25 years of supporting employers in the calculation of the ROI of their prevention programs, I have been continually surprised at the […]
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